Sunday, January 6, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting the Philosophies
Chelsea Long Philosophy 100-005 move 2 Final Essay nevertheless though they were separated by thousands of years, hundreds of miles, and several(predicate) cultures, the philosophic over offs of Friedrich Nietzsche and Plato can be examined and weighed against to each champion(prenominal) other(a) in many variant ways. Friedrich Nietzsche, born in 1844, was a German philosopher whose main goal was to erect a unsanded image for the population and to stimulate a necessitous spirit in them. Plato, born in 427 B. C. , was a classic philosopher whose main goal was to make call back a recent way of infering virtually the serviceman itself, manageledge itself, philosophic system itself, and the psyche. twain philosophers start obvious similarities their literary style of composition is perhaps the intimately app bent, however as well as their desire to bring forth a new way of reckoning for the wad in which they hoped to influence. Nietzsche thought that by standing alfresco of clubhouse and looking at it from a foe suck, one could take on the ideal of a free spirit. kind-heartedred to this view is Platos view from the legend of the cave which illustrates charitables as organism entirely unaw be of what the actual humans is.Even though they brookd in completely different societies, twain(prenominal) philosophers thought that the view of the human race that cabaret necessitates shelters the soulfulness from pull aheading the accredited record of naturalism. However, the nature of said cosmos was very different for twain philosophers. Nietzsche opined in a what you see is what you get kind of view of public. His amor fati view of domain pose that in order to achieve an rose-colored view the individual must strike to love fate. This also involves accepting earthly concern for exactly what it is and non creating a bogus sense of realitywhat the person would bid to see.Beca ingestion of Nietzsches opinion that God is absolutely he believed that this flavor was all in that respect was, so the best way to live was to realize the true actuality of the world, and to also use the love of what is real and actual to get it on aliveness. Plato, on the other hand, had a completely different concept of reality. His theory of the forms illustrated every subject that we see in this world as dependable a less perfect fashion model of the actual form of the thing or idea. Nothing that we see in this world is actual or perfect, but is however an imperfect imitation.Platos divided course of instruction interpretation presents the universe into the tangible earth (images, copies, plants, animals) and the intelligible realm (mathematics, ideas, and the forms) literally a two-tiered view of reality. This differs greatly from Nietzsches doctrine. Nietzsche rejects this two-tiered view of reality he believes that having this view of reality is actually detrimental and hinders the individual f rom aliveness a full and sanguine life. Although their views on how the individual is shielded by society are similar, the view on reality of Nietzsche and Plato is one of the main passings in their philosophical outlooks.Nietzsche and Plato both put a significant amount of emphasis on creating the individual and viewing life as a work of art that is a essay for k directledge and value, thus asking the inquiry What constitutes a virtuous life? Both philosophers believe in turning ones adventure on the morals and value that society holds and exploring these morals and value for the individual themselves. iodine of the most historied Greek aphorisms is know thyself. Nietzsche and Plato both believe that creating ourselves as individuals leave alone lead to happiness.However, the journey of self-discovery is different for each philosopher. Plato believes that knowledge is the most important gene in the creation of virtue and happiness. desire after knowledge leads to the a ffirmation of values and virtue, which whence leads to happiness. By taking the clip to learn and wonder and discover obtainment for ourselves, we can achieve contentment. Nietzsche, on the other hand, believes that pure academic scholarship is non the way to liberate the free-thinkers of the future.Also, Nietzsche considers the revaluation of values, which center that old values adopt to be reconsidered to find justification of life inwardly life. He believes that knowledge has the ability to non take itself too seriously. Nietzsche is an advocate for pairing knowledge and play. He supposes that we create our values ourselves and do not discover them from nature or reason, as supposed by Plato. However, both philosophers believe that knowing your take ignorance and having a willingness to accept the fact that we are sometimes wrong and at duty period is a vital step in creating the morals and values that we hold.Another main resemblance between the philosophies of Nie tzsche and Plato is the belief that the greatest individual is not the wealthiest, but the thinker, the artist, the musician, and namely, the philosopher. Both hold the love of wisdom in blue postulate (although Plato holds it in higher regard that Nietzsche). The goal of this is to pass on the views of one to many, therefore changing the views of society. With or without meaning to, both of these philosophers are trying to enhance a rise in society. Plato and Nietzsche both were suspicious of government and wanted people to be at war with their time.From doing so, they hoped to create a change on an individuals outlook on life. As with most philosophers, the philosophical method of both Plato and Nietzsche was influenced by philosophers before them. Plato is the well-kn witness protege of Socrates. numerous of Platos dialogues include Socrates in them or are written about Socrates, much(prenominal) as The Apology, which is Platos account of the campaign of Socrates. These are called Platos Socratic Dialogues. The philosophical views of Socrates greatly influenced the views of Plato. Nietzsche was widely influenced by the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.After canvass the view of Schopenhauer, Nietzsches writings sometimes included him supporting or rejecting Schopenhauers philosophical viewpoint. The optimism found in Nietzsches philosophy results from his rejection of Schopenhauers pessimistic philosophical viewpoint. One of the self-aggrandizinggest passings between Plato and Nietzsche comes from their view of Socrates. objet dart Socrates was a role model to Plato, he was the opposite for Nietzsche. Socrates often demanded the law at all costs meaning that no matter how much hurt or disorder the truth costs, it should still be told for the sake of truth itself.Nietzsche questioned to what extent truth can be endured. He then goes on to shift the term he uses for truth. Truth is errors believed to be true by philosophers (examples are equal things , substance, and free will). Nietzsches TRUTH relies on the recognition that former truths are founded on errors and that knowledge is limited, which is the opposite of Socrates conception of truth. By letting go of previous truths we can thus rede the TRUTH. Not all truth comes from knowledge, but from error as well.Another main difference between the philosophical views of Socrates and Nietzsche is that Nietzsche looked at philosophy as an intellectual science and not a science. He viewed philosophy in more of a humanities socio-economic class and as a spiritual science. Socrates, on the other hand, viewed philosophy as the most important of all sciences. Nietzsche also criticizes Socrates in other ways. He attacks his personality. To Nietzsche, Socrates pretended to be a rebel against society (a signifier of free spirit in Nietzsches book) however, when Socrates was sentenced in Athens, he gave in and became a slave to society. Nietzsches philosophy says that this life is all we keep up so we need to roll in the hay it. From looking at Socrates famous last lyric poem Now that I am dying, I owe the immortal of medicine a debt, Nietzsche concludes that Socrates didnt bang his life. Socrates is saying in his last words that life is just one big disease. This goes against all of Nietzsches philosophy, which unites the tragedy of beingness with the comedy of life. The viewpoint of Nietzsche and Plato on the philosophical view of Socrates is a major difference between the two philosophers. Much of Nietzsches philosophy comes from his conclusion that God is dead. This view on pietism is another major difference between Plato and Nietzsche. While Nietzsche was considered an atheist, Plato believed in the principle of God. Platos God was the course of action of the Good. The Good did not even elapse on Platos divided plication but was raised above it, glitter down all both the visible and intelligible realm. Everything gains to be like the represe nt of the Good, but can never attain it (similar to the Christian view of Jesus a perfect good that people strive to be but can never reach). Because Nietzsche and Plato had such differing views on religion, their philosophies as a whole are quite different.There are similarities that can be picked out of both mens viewpoints however the conceptual differences outweigh the resemblance. Platos and Nietzsches differing views on the nature of reality, the journey of self-discovery, the philosophy of Socrates, and religion cause Nietzsche to be critical of Plato. Nietzsche completely rejects much of Platos core philosophical view. The main aspect Nietzsche is critical of Plato is Platos two-tiered view of the world. Nietzsche whole philosophy is touch on on the realization that what we have now is all we will ever have.Plato takes that philosophy and changes it completely creating a whole new realm that is not visible to the human eye. Even though both philosophers believe in overcomi ng society, the importance of self-creation, knowing your own faults, and putting the philosopher in high acclaim, I would argue that the differences between the Nietzsche and Plato cannot be reconciled. The frontmost cores of their philosophical viewpoints will never stand for up. Nietzsche will never cope with with a two-tiered view of reality and one of Platos biggest belief systems is the Forms. Socrates will always be a hero to Plato, whereas he is not in Nietzsches opinion.One of the philosophers would have to change the entire concepts of their philosophy in order for the two viewpoints to reconcile. Personally, I agree more with Nietzsches philosophy. Even though I do not believe that God is dead, I do think that religion is dying in our society. We are experiencing a cultural shift toward a more secular society. In the foment of this, I have noticed people have started to live their lives for the right-now. Also, I think that we should love fate and accept the reality of lives. In my opinion, people who live in a fantasy land arent truly living.People who accept their disappointments in life and are still happy and optimistic are more admirable to me. Additionally, I like how Nietzsche thinks that we should take the time to create ourselves in life. Creating yourself, to me, is the most important thing we can do. By looking away(predicate) from what society tells us to do or be, we can truly becoming free and in doing so, live happier lives. I spirit as though Nietzsche wants us to enjoy the small things in life and to take life as it comes. Honestly, Nietzsche has been my favorite philosopher to transform and study, and the one whose viewpoint I agree with the most.
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